News and Stories
Dear members and friends,
We hope you and your family and precious animals, are all well, and have been able to cope and overcome the difficulties we have all had to face over the past few years.
Life and events have conspired against our work, helping animals in need – but – APT has endeavoured to help as many animals at small organisations with donations of food, equipment, transport and help with veterinary fees. Most small rescues are struggling with the numbers of unwanted animals and the lack of potential new homes.
We have also been able to help animal rescue groups in Ukraine with the abandoned pets left to fend for themselves. Also Safe Haven for Donkeys who help in Israel and Palestine, there are some truly amazing people choosing to do this incredible work in a war zone.
Home here at Coldlands Farm, the blind cats are still with us, their heating on 24/7 and the cost of living has not affected them, whereas my heating is on sparingly !!
I am still trying to find safe and sheltered homes for these special blind cats. Meanwhile they’re very happy, warm and comfortable with maid service as required.
We hope you will continue to support the work of APT. We’re so very grateful for the kindness and help we receive from everyone.
With love and best wishes from us all,
This is Daisy enjoying her lovely new bed so generously donated by Merlin and Mia.
Do you remember me from a previous Newsletter? I am the little grey bunny dumped in a pet carrier outside Jacqueline’s front gate. I went to live with Gill and her husband Keith who already had several rescue bunnies. They were all boy bunnies – I was the only female and thought my luck had changed till I found out that they had all been neutered!
My new Mum and Dad realised that I looked very sad and lonely and that I made no attempt to chat to my new friends through the front of their hutches. They wondered if I would like a male companion to bring me out of myself. I thought I would be able to go and choose a toy boy, but NO I was told I would be bonded with Marmite who had just lost his friend to cancer. He was 4 years older than me making him about 9 but watching him in the run he did seem quite lively and also looked handsome, as you can see in the photo with me cleaning his eye.
I was expecting to be put in his hutch and told to get on with it, but NO. We had to go to Bobtails Rabbit Rescue in Ewell to be introduced to each other in a particular way by an expert in the field of rabbit bonding. So off we went one Sunday afternoon and heard the lady Delia saying that she would know in a day or so if we were suited to each other. Surely I could make up my own mind, but nobody listened as usual.
We had a couple of skirmishes as I wanted to make sure that Marmite realised that I wore the trousers. When Delia thought we were well bonded, we were sent home. I loved him very much and we would groom each other if we needed it or not. Marmite showed me a trick that he had taught himself and that was to get into the kitchen through the open cat flap! I understand the flap door is held open with string as the 2 dopey cats did not know how to use it properly. Anyway, Marmite would go in and steal any cat food that was left in the cat bowls. I didn’t fancy that, so I sat and watched him.
We lived together for some time and suddenly overnight he died. I laid next to him until the morning when Mum found us. She was very, very upset and could not believe that the night before he was running around with me. I think he was about 11 years old which is a good age for a bunny.
So I was on my own again, looking sad and lonely. Mum told me that she had been looking through ARC’s (Animal Rescue and Care) website for bunnies to adopt and found a younger boy of about 4 years old (2 years younger than me!) called Tim.
A few weeks later, off I went to be bonded again but this time to Twickenham. It was love at first sight!! He is gorgeous as you can see in the photo. The lady who bonded us (also called Gill) said we would need to stay a week but within 2 days she called my Mum to come and collect us.
I have taught Tim that I wear the trousers and he seems to accept this. I am now trying to teach him to come in through the open cat flap and see if we can find any goodies left lying around on the floor. He is not the brain of Britain, but will keep showing him……..
Till the next time.
Love Henrietta x
![Tim and me on our hottie](