Lost and Found

If you would like to report a missing animal, or have any information, please call Tracy on 01293 553935 (answerphone)

December 2023

A grey cat, thought to be a stray, has over the last few weeks, regularly been visiting and staying at a garden in Tadworth Street,

If you know of anyone who has lost a cat that fits this description, or have any information that might help reunite it with theri owner, please ring Jacqueline on 01293 782356 (answerphone).

The Importance of Being Microchipped – Two events with happy endings!

While I was working at my Newdigate client, she took a phone call from her son who was working locally in a small village. He said there was a Jack Russell running around in the road on a sharp bend and thinking it would get run over, he managed to pick the dog up and discovered that it was very friendly, so put it in his van for safe keeping.  He then knocked on some doors to see if he could find the owner.  No-one knew who the dog belonged to and suggested that it might have come from a travellers’ camp up the road.  He then rang his mother for advice and she asked me what he should do, so I said he should take it to the local vets for scanning to see if it had been chipped and then could be returned to the owners. It was chipped!!!! The owners lived in Wembley and had reported the dog as stolen 6 months earlier.  They were over the moon as they thought they would never see their dog Lola again.

In January another, quite horrifying event took place. It involved a l4 year old Tabby cat who was travelling loose in a car, and managed to open a window by touching the button with his paw. When the car stopped at traffic lights, to his owners horror, he hopped out and was gone. He was on a very busy road, and in an area completely unknown to him. After much frantic searching, he was almost given up as lost forever, until he decided to move in with a kind lady who arranged for him to be taken to the vets to be scanned. As he was microchipped he was soon back home, a very happy cat, and a very relieved owner. He had apparently walked all the way to Kingswood, and was missing for 2 months. If ever there was a case illustrating the importance of microchipping your pet, then this must have been it!