Heartless Woman Throws Rabbit from a Car

A baby rabbit survived almost certain death on a road in Horley, when it was thrown in a plastic bag from the boot of a car by a heartless woman.
The incident happened at Wheatfield Way, Langshott Estate on Sunday 18th October at around 3 pm and was witnessed by a member of the public who, at first, thought that the bag contained rubbish. However on hitting the verge, the bag moved and to the horror of the man who witnessed it, a terrified white rabbit ran out into the middle of the road where it sat frozen with fear. Luckily, the rabbit was quickly picked-up from the road by its rescuer.
The witness, who does not wish to be named, said: “An old two-door, metallic aqua-blue Nissan Micra, with a 54 number plate pulled-up, a woman got out and went to the boot and took out a white plastic bag, threw it to the grass verge, got back in her car and drove off. It was such a shock when the rabbit jumped out of the bag and ran into the road – it was a heartless thing to do. Luckily I was able to rescue it before it got run over. Then to my astonishment, the woman drove back and I pointed to the rabbit in my arms, but obviously she couldn’t have cared less.”
The young ‘Lionhead’ rabbit is now being cared for by Animal Protection Trust. Jacqueline Ward-Reel, chairman and co-ordinator, said: “This was a wanton act of cruelty. It would have been a terrifying experience and had the rabbit not been rescued so quickly, it would certainly have been killed on the road. Luckily the poor little rabbit, which the vet has estimated to be under six months old, escaped injury and is now in the care of Animal Protection Trust. If anyone has any further information about this awful incident which we can pass on to the RSPCA, please do not hesitate to contact us.”
Animal Protection Trust is a registered charity, formed in 1984. All the work carried out by the Trust is voluntary – no-one is paid. Volunteers come from all walks of life but have one thing in common – the desire to help animals in need. The charity does not charge for its services, or its animals and continues to be supported by public donations. If you would like to support Animal Protection Trust, please write to: Animal Protection Trust, Coldlands Farm, Haroldslea, Horley, Surrey RH6 9PJ. For further information, including animals needing homes, please visit the website: www.animalprotectiontrust.org.uk, or telephone 01293 782356.
2nd November 2015