
Membership Applications

Membership is due on the 1st of April each year, and is £12.00 for a single, or £18.00 for a joint membership. New members joining after July in any year will receive a reduction on the first year’s subscription.

Please make cheques payable to Animal Protection Trust, and send them to:

APT Membership Secretary
18 Cornfield Road

We need your help, so any additional contribution you are able to make will be very welcome.

Paying under Gift Aid

Do you pay Income Tax ? If so, would you like to consider paying your annual membership under the Gift Aid scheme ?

This would mean that the Trust could recover Income Tax at the basic rate from the Inland Revenue on your annual subscription.

Gift Aid is a legally binding agreement by which one person agrees to make a series of payments to another. Without such an agreement, the government would keep your tax. With Gift Aid, it transfers your tax to the Trust.

You pay your subscription in the usual way, by sending your details with a cheque to the Membership Secretary. Please indicate if you would like to pay under Gift Aid and we will forward the appropriate form to you.