The Rabbit Incident

One Saturday morning in May, I received a panicked text from Jacqueline – ‘There is a rabbit dumped outside my gate in a pet carrier. I go on holiday tonight! I don’t have any food for it or anywhere to house it. Can you help?’
How could I say No. We had a spare hutch having lost our 13 year old bunny a few months earlier. I thought it could stay there until I could make arrangements to take it to a Rabbit Rescue such as Bobtails or Animal Lifeline where it would get a good chance of being re-homed.
My husband offered to go and collect this rabbit, while I got the hutch prepared. On his journey back he was deciding on names that could be easily changed from a male to a female one – Henry/Henrietta, Charles/Charlotte……
On his return I said there is no way that we could keep it if it was female as a girl bunny would upset our other 5 neutered male bunnies. I checked and it was a female and with much pleading from my husband we now have 6 bunnies again!
Much to my surprise, my resident bunnies have taken no interest in her – perhaps she is not their type or pretty enough………..What do you think of Henrietta??
Gill Osborne